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Monthly Archives: August 2024

Why Should You Always Wear a Seat Belt?

Why Should You Always Wear a Seat Belt?

When you hop into your car, there's one simple action that can make the difference between life and death in the event of an accident—buckling up. While it might seem like second nature to some, others still skip this crucial step. Whether you're driving a short distance or embarking on a long journey, wearing a seat belt is non-negotiable. But why is it so important? These are the reasons that make this small act so vital to your safety. Protecting Yourself in a Collision The primary purpose of a seat belt is to keep you safe in the event of a collision. When a vehicle suddenly stops due to an impact, the law of inertia kicks in—your body will continue moving at the car's original speed until something stops it. If you're not wearing a seat belt, that "something" could be the steering wheel, dashboard, or even the windshield. Sea ... read more

6 Tips to Keep Your Car Cool in August Without Overworking the A/C

6 Tips to Keep Your Car Cool in August Without Overworking the A/C

August in Aliso Viejo, CA, brings some of the hottest temperatures of the year, making it crucial to keep your car cool without overburdening your A/C system. At Super Service of Aliso Viejo, we want to help you stay comfortable and ensure your vehicle’s A/C remains in top condition. Here are six tips to keep your car cool in the summer heat without putting too much strain on your A/C system. 1. Park in the Shade Whenever possible, park your car in the shade to keep it cool. This simple step can significantly reduce the internal temperature of your vehicle, making it more comfortable when you get in and reducing the need for immediate, heavy A/C use. If you can’t find a shaded spot, consider using a sunshade for your windshield. Sunshades reflect sunlight and block harmful UV rays, preventing your car’s interior from heating up excessively. Additionally, sunshades can protect your dashboard and seats from sun damage and fading. 2. Use Window Tint Window tinting i ... read more

